Frequently asked Questions:

How long do Natalie’s Premium Eyelash Extensions Last?

A Full set of extensions will last up to 8 weeks but Natalie recommends infills every 4-4.5 weeks to keep lashes looking full and luscious. Your extensions will fall away with your natural lash as the lashes are in a continuous growth cycle of falling out and growing again. Clients comment on it being far more noticeable though as the extension is obviously thicker and longer than the natural lash. The life of your extensions mostly depends on how you care for them and the natural shedding of your own natural lash growth cycle. Natalie’s clients vary in regards to their lash extension life but there is much you can do to preserve your lashes.

How long does the lash extension treatment last?
For a first treatment allow up to 1.1/4 hours as Natalie will treat every lash. For follow up lash maintenance allow 45 minutes. After your first treatment Natalie is simply touching up lashes that have fallen away.

Does the treatment hurt?

No not at all, there is no discomfort for the client. In fact clients most often fall asleep as it so relaxing. Natalie uses comforting anti-aging eye pads underneath the eye, clients lie back relax and when finished open their eyes to a gorgeous set of lash extensions.

What is the after care protocol and what can I do to preserve my lashes?

Never attempt to remove lashes yourself, this can damage your natural lashes. It is important that you don’t use oily products around the eye as the lash glue is broken down by oil. Don’t use cotton wool as the residue can sit in the lashes. Be careful to not rub at your eyes, pull or tug at the lashes and apply make-up that would feather in the lashes. The lashes don’t lend themselves to having mascara applied on the top. Mascaras are oil based and will break the glue down. At the beginning of lash treatments clients sometimes feel they want to use mascara on the lashes this is only out of habit as the lash extensions are more superior than mascara.  

Can you apply lash extensions to the lower lashes?
Unlike most other lash technicians Natalie is skilled at treating the lower lash line. The difference for the client is the eye needs to be open, it is quicker than the top lash as there are fewer lashes. Natalie does the lower lash as a highly bespoke treatment as each client is different. Please call or email for further details.